From The Integration of Dominican, Chinese, Russian and Mexican Immigrants in NYC

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My name is Julianna Fricchione. I am an Italian-American, so far removed from my first generation grandparents that on Friday night family dinners, there are debates as to what the proper pronunciation to my last name is. I say it as Fri-Cone-E and others probounce it Frish-E-O-Knee where I believe the proper way is Frick-key-O-Knee. Contrary to popular belief, I am not fond of pizza or pasta, but I do enjoy the not as popular Italian dishes such as stuffed peppers, escarole and beans, and lentil soup. To answer that urging question, yes, I do talk with my hands. I think my family's immigration history from the early 20th century will give great insight to the mixture of many of my classmate's first hand immigration tales.