Alrighty then!
These are the dates and times for The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells:
SUN OCT 14 5:30
WED OCT 17 8:30
SUN OCT 21 5:30
TUES OCT 23 8:30
SAT OCT 27 6:30
SUN OCT 28 5:30
THUR NOV 1 8:30
SAT NOV 3 8:30
I say we all leave a comment with our preferred Date(s). And I will, from the votes, find the best date to fit our needs. I also want to note that some of our dear Jewish friends will not be able to attend Friday and Saturday shows (take that into account when you vote). From this information and from other analysis of scheduled preformances the 17th might be the best day for everyone, but this doesn’t necessary mean you agree with it. So please vote and voice you oppion. Atleast make this vote count because there is not electoral college here (popular votes…yeah!)
The ticket pricing is $25 dollars per ticket. But on a filer that David gave me they also mentioned Student Rush tickets for $10 (but I don’t know if that will be applicable if we go as a group because rush tickets aren’t really guaranteed that there will be seats). Rush tickets usually will be readily available if you go individually.
This doesn’t mean everyone has to go on the same day. It also doesn’t mean everyone has to see Invisible Man. You can go individually to watch the other great Sci-Fi stories by H.G. Wells on different dates and times. Up to you. The only reason I wanted to have this vote and choose a play was to go as a group and enjoy the play as a big ‘dysfunctional’ family :).
Please respond as soon as possible so I can go reserve a set amount of tickets at teh Box Office.
If you want the site with all the information:
7 responses so far ↓
1 ppuliyampet // Sep 26, 2007 at 11:39 pm
59 E 59 seems like a very interesting space; Flags and now this.
Wed. October 17th seems like a good day. In the month of October, student life at Macualay is doing some very interesting things every weekend. So, everyone might want to keep their weekends free. (Yes, geeky of me. I know.)
2 Supreme Commander (aka Stephen Ma) // Sep 27, 2007 at 10:31 pm
i’m all up for saturday shows….oct 27 seems just right….
3 eleung // Sep 27, 2007 at 11:59 pm
I know for a fact based on the program from “Flags”, HG Wells Sci Fiction will be held in the exact same theater (C) where “Flags” was held. It holds only 50 seats. Getting our own tickets sounds good because you can sit anywhere in the theater. So if we all meet up at the theater, we might get to sit together.
Sun, Oct 28, sounds ok for me so far. Too many tests to study for with the other dates.
4 nperez-hernandez // Sep 28, 2007 at 12:55 pm
The weekend of 27/28 looks good for me too.
Oh, and if you sign up for the student tickets site Wingyan posted, they have all the H.G. Wells shows for 15 dollars each.
5 Ramona // Sep 29, 2007 at 9:36 pm
Hey! I wanted to say that first of all, I think that October the 14th would be the best date for me and to let everyone know that our reports are due on the 29th so if we see this on the 28th or later we might not have enough time to write our reports.
Second of all, no rush student tickets are available from In Sight Ticketing (the resource that Ruby posted) either online or at the box office. If you order online there is a $1.50 proccesing fee so it would be $16.50 instead of $15.00. I think, one person should go to the box office and get tickets for everyone, it is on 42 St bet 9th and 10th and you need to show student ID. I am not sure what the policy is on group tickets, if you have to show all the IDs or just one. I’ll try to find out and let you know.
Have a good night!
6 dengelman // Sep 29, 2007 at 11:43 pm
hey all, sunday showings (either the 14th or 21st) are generally the best for me, as midweek tends to get sticky with homework and papers and tests….and yea, like john said, i can’t do friday or saturday
7 Stephen // Sep 30, 2007 at 4:32 pm
oh snap……i forgot about the due date…..i think oct 14 is the best date….we should get tickets this week or so
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