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Zhang Huan

The Arts in New York City

CCNY/MHC Class of 2011

The Arts in New York City header image 2

Zhang Huan

November 19th, 2007 · No Comments

Although at first it seemed like such a random exhibit, I eventually found a pattern. Zhang Huan’s work takes place in three different places: Beijing, New York, and Shanghai. His work in Beijing was mostly experimenting with his body and nature, as he was just opening up as an artist. These included some of still pictures. When he came to New York, he faced the trials of assimilating into a new culture and lifestyle. His work here becomes primarily performing art, such as My New York. His pieces in Beijing and New York (except for Family Tree) were exactly  appetizers for the exhibit. The third part, which included his sculptures and mixed media were, in my opinion, the most fascinating part. He begins to incorporate Chinese culture and history into his art, and even uses it as a mode of rebellion against the Cultural Revolution. I think it was in the last portion of the exhibit that I see Zhang Huan as a true artist.


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