What is real to me, might not be real to you. Reality can be a fabrication of the mind, but is these fabrications real. What is the definition of real? Is it something tangible or extends beyond the physical. And how does this tie in with Hotel Cassiopeia?
I found a couple of links that you can check out:
What do you guys think?
1 response so far ↓
1 fahmad // Oct 15, 2007 at 7:58 pm
I think reality is the truth as we perceive it. If I were to take random thoughts and lay them out in physical form to you guys, I’m sure half of it would not make sense. Therefore I don’t think the real is limited to what is physical. I am not you, you are not me, how can one know what I am experiencing?
I’m not sure if any of that makes sense to anyone but what I am trying to say is that everyone has different experiences, and a unique combination of them. Because of that, we all have different ideas of what is reality and what isn’t.
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