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la boheme

The Arts in New York City

CCNY/MHC Class of 2011

The Arts in New York City header image 2

la boheme

September 28th, 2007 · No Comments

so before last night i had never been to an opera, and while i didn’t know quite what to expect i did anticipate a lot of singing which is exactly what i got. however, what i mean to tell you all is (especially those rent-junkies out there) la boheme at lincoln center is a fantastic way to break into the opera. if you’ve seen rent (either on broadway or the movie) you will have a handle on whats going on even when you can’t quite flick your eyes back and forth between the english translation above the stage and whats happening. i definately reccomend it although you must act fast! tommorow is the last day. just head down to the box office and buy student tickets (bring a friend with you or a good book to read… there are two intermissions, one of which is rather lengthy) they are 16 dollars a peice and you can get great seats. i sat in the second ring and the actual ticket price was 100 dollars!! definately worth every one of my precious pennys =)

the show tommorow is at 1:30 pm, call 1-212-870-5630 to find out of there are still tickets available. if anyone goes, let me know so i have someone to talk about it to. see you all monday!



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