ok so i was supposed to go watch Iphegenia at Aulis and I was pretty excited by the time I got there. I even called before hand to check if they were gonna have enough tickets to sell on the door.
And then they tell me its sold out when I got there.
I was really bummed. It took me an hour and half to get there and there was no way I was coming back on sunday. But everything happens for a reason. La Mama also happened to be showing another play from A FESTIVAL OF PLAYS called EXPERIMENTA: The Warzone is my Bed. It was the first show and its purpose is actually to celebrate 10 years of La MaMa’s Play Reading Series.
It was actually very kool and the ticket was even cheaper so what the hell. I enjoyed it tremendously because one of the themes included roles of women in battlefields in different countries. Other themes included: purpose and the outcome of journalism; use of sex to cope with harsh circumstances; and normalcy vs. “not-normal”.
The SPACE wasn’t great at all. It was almost like a room with brick walls that held near 80 people; and the lighting/space wasn’t the best; but it connected and managed to move the audience greatly. I think the terrific acting made up for everything else that the show lacked. The actors were sincere and passionate.
In all, I had a great time and am glad I got to see something I hadn’t anticipated. You guys should go check it out if you get a chance.
Student tickets: $13
thurs-fri: 7:30 pm
sun: 2:30 pm
2 responses so far ↓
1 Jacky Ng // Oct 21, 2007 at 7:33 pm
Oh my god, you were lucky x_x
That play was about 40 min. long, and although it was interesting at some points, it bored me to tears.
You didn’t miss much…
It’s either that, or that an opera is a pretty damn tough act to follow…
2 Samema // Oct 24, 2007 at 12:30 am
see i’m not the only one!
jacky used “interesting”!!!
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