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Le Nozze di Figaro: Rating…high

The Arts in New York City

CCNY/MHC Class of 2011

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Le Nozze di Figaro: Rating…high

October 3rd, 2007 · 3 Comments

A fun-filled, vivacious comedy opera full of laughs and beautiful singing. I highly recommend it to all of you (LOL!!). I did not think that opera could come off as funny. Having already seen an opera in the past, I now see a big difference between love, tragedy-type operas and comedy operas. Definitely more fast-paced. The way the stage set also made everything more real and drew your attention to the opera. “Props” to the director!! haha…

Did anyone think that the ending was a bit cheesy, even though you expected that type of an ending? Comedies can usually be identified because of a celebration or unity at the end.

Some other comments. I dozed off, only! Make sure to post those photos. Thanks for an awesome night. Most gratitudes to Prof. Drabik!! Good night.


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3 responses so far ↓

  • 1 Samema // Oct 3, 2007 at 4:50 am

    Le Nozze di Figaro was something that I did not quite expect. It reminded me of Spring’s Awakening because the text was dull compared to the actually performance. It was funnier than I initally thought it to be. But my first experience at the opera was a good one. And I am just thankful that it was a comedy and not a tragedy.

    I got home at 4:00 and decided that their was no point of going to sleep and I had to blog something about the opera.. so this is what I am doing.. and it is 5:00 now :)

    My favorite scene was with the Countess singing solo about her love for the Count. I thought that her voice was so nice and calming.

    Well Evan the ending was typical of a comedy. And I do have to agree that it was a tad bit cheesy. I think that the opera in the beginning was slower than the ending. The ending seemed rushed.

    I had a great time today. The tea was great :)

  • 2 Stephen // Oct 3, 2007 at 9:48 pm

    They had to end it somehow. It’s like one of those movies where everything is good till the end, when the director puts in some crappy ending that makes everyone “happily ever after” blahblah. But honestly, I can’t think of any other ending that would be happy. So corny and cliche as it is, it was the only way to end.

  • 3 wschaefer // Oct 7, 2007 at 8:07 pm

    ^^^3 words:


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