Liz's pix

From The Peopling of New York City

Images from 116th St.

African Kine Restaurant
Audio Shop
116th Street
116th St. Subway Station
Street Congregation
Darou Salam Market
Corporate Business
New Space for Rent
Mr. Kaaw Sow- Journalist
The New Kalahari Complex Under Construction
Business at the Shabazz Market
Market Products
The Sasjid Salam
Typical Pilitical Discussion
President of the Senegalese Association
New Prime Retail
Sofie Showing Her Merchandise
Sofie, A Vendor at the Shabazz Market
Sofie, A Vendor at the Shabazz Market
Typical Street Image
Local at the ASA
The Malcolm Shabazz Market
Local Business Owner and His Children
Wellness Center
Traditional Muslim Clothing
Mr. Falou Fall Taking Typing Lessons at the ASA
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