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The Arts in New York City » Blog Archive » class on Dec. 5

class on Dec. 5

We are moving to a classroom lent to us by the drama department. It is located in the The Thomas Hunter basement and is called the Grouber room. I suggest we meet at 3:00 in front of the Honors Lounge, and go there together. If you happen to be a bit late, please just catch up with us. 

Jason Cottle, the actor, who is working with you tomorrow, will be with us until about 4.15, after which we go to our usual classroom, 1516, for a presentation by Curtis, Luke, and Jacob.

I am still missing some descriptions of your final project. Please be sure to bring them to class tomorrow. I am working on the schedule, but can only finalize it once we have our confirmation for a room with the right equipment.

S ee you tomorrow,


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