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The Arts in New York City » Blog Archive » EVENTS, please read carefully

EVENTS, please read carefully

  • A suggestion for one extra group event (NOT FREE)

I received an announcement for what seems a very interesting performance of modern theatre, called BECKETT SHORTS at the New York Theatre Workshop, the performances start Dec. 5. One of the performers is Baryshnikov.

Cheaper tickets are available, at 20 dollars, and it would be easiest to get them for a Sunday performance. I cannot do Dec. 9, because I will be out of town for a conference, but I could do Dec. 16.

(note that this might be exam time for you)

Unfortunately I cannot Email the info I got to you, but I invite you to look for it on the website www.nytw.org


  • We have spent all our money, and that means that I would have to ask you to commit to buying and paying for a ticket – while I handle the reservations.

Needless to say, we can also make very different plans i.e. a free artistic event (most likely an exhibit at a Museum or special collection) to be determined, or a social event, on the model of what I did last year – pizza in the Honors Lounge.

Can you please consider this option, discuss it among it each other, and let me know when we meet on Wednesday if that is a plan you would like me to put into place.



First, I need to get back to you early next week about the details of our Wednesday class at Alvin Ailey (the person in charge is absent for a few days) 

Then, here is some info about possibilities for seeing a ballet performance.

New York City Ballet is doing NUTCRACKER, as they always do. If we decide quickly, we might be able to secure tickets, for weekday performances on the following dates

NOV. 29  or   DECEMBER  4/5/6  or 11/12/13 performances. 20 dollars tickets (very high up) are sold out, but 30.00 dollar tickets are available.

Also, there is an OPENING NIGHT with a program of varied pieces (for details see www.nycballet.com), for which the tickets are a little over 30.00 dollars.

I am writing to find you if some of you are interested, I am thinking particularly of the few among you who could not make it to BALLET du GRAND THEATRE (for that small group, I will see if financial arrangements can be made to sponsor at least part of your ticket).  If you are interested PLEASE EMAIL ME with possible dates and impossibilities.

Tell me also if you would like “Nutcracker” or the Opening Night.

  Off-Peak Price DatesSat.,   Nov. 24   8 pm
Sun.,  Nov. 25   5 pm
Thur., Nov. 29   6 pm
Tue.,  Dec.   4   6 pm
Wed., Dec.   5   6 pm
Thur., Dec.   6   6 pm
Tue.,  Dec.  11  6 pm
Wed., Dec.  12  6 pm
Thur., Dec.  13  6 pm


I also found out that between Jan. and April, New York City Ballet offers “working day tours” that enable you to watch an hour and a half of rehearsals of the company, the times are between, roughly 11:30 and 3:00. Visits need to be scheduled in advance. If some of you are interested, we can try to have organize a tour for late Jan. for example. I’ll ask you at the end of the semester.

          I look forward to hearing from  you.


PS  Thank you for adding your signature to the blog, my thanks to Dalya, Cameron, and Laura, for sending me their comments via Email. I will try to post them in the right place, and will also enquire as to why your posts seem to land in a different place from expected.

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