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The Arts in New York City » Blog Archive » on second thoughts…

on second thoughts…

Dear students,  

You may recall that I had planned a brief assignment in the form of a blog comment on the dance footage we watched on Wednesday. I have changed my mind, and will ask, instead, for your comments after the DANCE PERFORMANCE  we are attending at the Joyce Theater on Wed. 24th October(meeting time 7:00 pm).

Meanwhile, please make sure to stop by at the Honors Lounge on Tuesday to pick up reading packages one and TWO, which you must read in preparation for our class. Package one will enable you to review the articles that were hard to read because blurry. Package two offers new materials in preparation for Wednesday’s class.

   I look forward to seeing you soon, i.e. on Wednesday in ROOM 506 N.


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One Response to “on second thoughts…”

  1. Marianna Davydova Says:

    Dear Professor Ender,

    I’m just wondering about the date mentioned in this post because the new syllabus says that the ballet performance at Joyce Theater is on the 24th of October….has there been a change again moving this performance to the 14th of November?

    Marianna Davydova

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