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The Arts in New York City » Blog Archive

I, for one, thoroughly enjoyed the opera. I liked how the audience could find lines funny, even though the script had been written so long ago. After the first Act, I realized that I did not need to look at the words in order to know what was going on. I started playing a little game with myself, where I imagined dialouge based on the characters actions on stage. I loved the set design and costumes, but couldn’t help but think that they were a bit dated. I wonder if there are any “modern” operas, or even opera companies. I personally prefere classical styles, but it is always nice to know that there is an alternative art form out there, or that there is something that is similar yet different.

The musical seems to be the most modern interpretation of the opera, yet these two art forms are increadably different from each other. I found myself wondering why no one has written operas for contemporary times, or why the costume and set design teams haven’t taken more liberties. Good art pushes people to think about things they do not necessarily want to think about. I believe that art pushes society foward and helps it advance. It is important to look to the past while pushing foward, but something in the art has to be new and intriguing, and frightening. There is nothing new or scary about opera, it exists exactly as it has for the past 150 years and more.This was not the first opera I have attended, and from my past two experiences, I put together a good assesment of what this experience would be like.

I found that I was dissapointed when my assesment turned out to be correct. Further, I was surprised to find that I really do value modern art and modern art forms, even if I do not enjoy them aesthetically.


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