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The Arts in New York City » Blog Archive » tomorrow’s class

tomorrow’s class

Dear students, 

I hope you have recovered from your Thanksgiving break and full of energy to embrace the last stretch of this fast moving first semester! 

Thank you to those of you who have posted a comment on opera. Meanwhile, if you have not done so, please do it before 1 pm tomorrow, so that we can have a full discussion in class.

I assume that a number of you are still working on a first version on the paper on dance, please bring it to class tomorrow.

We will have a combined session tomorrow, starting with a discussion of the opera, and then working on your final projects. By the end of the afternoon, I will need a proposal from each group or single presenter. It might be a good idea that you bring your laptop tomorrow, or at least one per group, in case you need to do some further research or in case you choose to watch a DVD to help you with your paper (this in case your proposal for the final project is ready and approved).

See you tomorrow then, in our “old” classroom Hunter North 1516.


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