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The Arts in New York City » Blog Archive » The juxtaposition between the classical and the modern versions of Swan Lake

The juxtaposition between the classical and the modern versions of Swan Lake

The contrasts between the modern and classical versions of Swan Lake are easy to recognize. Matthew Bourne’s version presents new ideas about gender in ballet. Men fell in love with and danced with men. Men played swans, a generally feminine role. women still held na important role in the ballet, but they were more secondary in relation to the male dancers, like a reversal of roles found in classical ballet. Seeing this comparison helped me realize the importance art has to our culture.

Art is not just a high class form of entertainment, it is an indication of change in society. With the growing acceptance of homosexuality and transsexuals, gender roles have been changing. where there were normally women gliding on stage, interacting with men in “romantic” dances, now there are men dancing with men, and more intimate dances. These are symbols of changing perceptions in society. Gender roles used to be strict, women had their place, and men had theirs. this was translated in to dance as well, where women had their roles and their choreography, and men had theirs.

Art deserves moe credit than it is given. People see art as a waste of time and money, but if you truly want to understand contemporary culture, want to see the canges we are going through, what is accepted and what is not, the best place to go is an art performance. Art has always been
on the leading edge of our ever-changing culture, and it will stay that way.

-Jacob S.

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