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The Arts in New York City » Blog Archive » essay question # 3 (dance and gender)

essay question # 3 (dance and gender)

A few words of clarification on essay question # 3, to help you decide if that should be your projet.

1. working on this essay commits you to making of working on this topic in three phrases

    a) viewing the new materials i.e. Swam Lake in its two versions. I have already made a pre-selection of scenes for you, but of course you are welcome to see the whole ballet, in either version.

    b) writing a paper on gender and dance, partly but NOT NECESSARILY fully based on this ballet. Consider adding materials from the performance at the Joyce, from the tape “Born to be Wild” and other discussions we have had about feminine/masculine role in gender. Given the time required fror a) you will naturally work on a more extended schedule, with a paper due late Nov.

    c) getting together with your other friends working on this subject. It might be best to view the DVDs together already, but that is not indispensable. However, I would expect you to work as a group, after you have written the paper towards a final project, to be presented in class, on this question.

  d) meeting with me, before you get under way, and before the final presentation. Here again, it would be ideal if I could see you as a group.

PLEASE E-mail me either individually or collectively if you are possibly interested or fully committed to working on this project.  We will find a time to meet to discuss it.

PS as specified today in class, writing a blog entry on the dance class at Alvin Ailey is optional, unless you were absent from the performance at the JOYCE theater, in which case it replaces the one you couldn’t do.

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