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The Arts in New York City » Blog Archive » Ballet Night

Ballet Night

My favorite piece of the evening was “Loin”. The two pieces had so many things that ticked me off. I didn’t enjoy the way the dancers were constantly throwing themselves on the floor in the second piece. I also did not like the way the dancers used eachother. They never seemed to interact with eachother, they simply used eachother as props in their own dancing. The thing that I love most about ballet, when I am dancing, is that I am constantly looking, and communicating with the other dancers on stage with me. When there is a pas de deux, the two dancers look eachother in the eye, then they look away, and it is so dramatic. I didn’t see any drama in these pieces. I saw a lot of anguish, but there was never any solution to the problems presented. There was just so much isolation and agony in the movements. I was in awe of the way the dancers were able to use their bodies, and all of their strength, but I could not stand the story. I also did not like the costumes of the first two dances. In the first dance, all of the men were dressed exactly the same way, but all of the women had different costumes, and I didn’t like the way they looked. I liked the idea of mesh, but the way it was cut and excessive pinning on the woman was distracting. The last dance was the only one in which the dancers seemed to be having a good time. I do not wish to go out to the theater to watch a bunch of people showing me the horrors of the world, and how little they like life. I know that life can be sucky, but there is always some good. I really like how the dance gradually brought the dancers together, so that by the end they became one unit. I also enjoyed the grace and the flow of the movements in the last piece.

-Noah Cramer

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