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The Arts in New York City » Blog Archive » The Opera: An Unexpected pleasure

The Opera: An Unexpected pleasure

Before going to the opera, I honestly believed that I would not enjoy it. However, as the show began and it became evident how much work goes into producing a show like this, I began appreciating the art form more. As I got used to how the show worked, I began to love it. I never would have thought that going to a show where everything is in another language would be so enjoyable. The combination of acting and the amazing level of singing that was present blew my mind. Even without paying attention to the subtitles, by the way they sung and over-emphasized in their acting, you could generally get what was going on.

The set of the opera was one of the things that impressed me the most. I loves how it took you into a whole other world instead of making it apparent that it was a show with sets. I think that this has a lot to do with the lighting and the way that the structure of the set was built to look like the whole thing was a segment of the house and you could look through the windows and see another part of the set.

Since this opera for us is considered a “classic work,” what is its purpose? I agree with what people have said before that this opera sends a message about love or forgiveness. Aren’t both a part of human nature? I believe that when an opera lasts this long and is so poplar and understood, that it provides a message about human nature, and that is why people can enjoy it, sometimes even relate to it in today’s day and age.

I loved the opera, and actually want to go to another one eventually. But in this opera, all that drama in such a short amount of time…wow!

~ Dalya

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