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The Arts in New York City » Blog Archive » A Pleasant Surprise

A Pleasant Surprise

The recital at Joyce theater was simply a pleasant surprise for me. I am a totally left-brained person who is really not interested in the arts at all, but even I admit that the moves were physiologically impressive. Unfortunately it was difficult for me to figure out a plot of any sort for any of the performances, but I really enjoyed watching the expressive and fluid motions. I also liked the music they were playing because it was rhythmic and presented an aura that successfully set the tone for the performance quite well, and because it reminded me of techno music, which is one of my favorite genres. Another observation that I had was that the outfits and bright colors combined with the motions sometimes allowed for the appearance of color in motion, because of a flounce under the arm, or something like that. The entire experience was entrancing and even though I am not sure of the statement that was trying to be made, I was left with many impressions and in awe at the high level of talent–in both being a graceful ballet/modern dancer, and with being extremely physically fit and mastering the “art” of balance. The techniques seemed to be inspired by multiple types of dance. After watching the recital, I am now much more interested in dance and possibly other art forms. I was expecting to be bored throughout the performance, but I was truly moved and hope that our class attends an additional dance performance.

-Naseeba R.

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