Government ignorance with regard to “Final Solution”

From The Peopling of NYC

The US Government saw that Ant-Semitic tensions were getting to a boiling point in Europe and failed to act. This was because of anti-Semitic senators like Burton K. Wheeler (left) and Gerald Nye (right). Even after German “Aryanization” US refused to change immigration laws. The Evian Conference didn’t even produce a resolution condemning Nazi anti-Jewish persecutions. When 20,000 Jewish children applied for refuge status, they were refused and ended up in death camps. The Government said the Jews were rejected for “economic” reasons related to the Great Depression. State Department knew about Death Camps in Europe and did nothing. Government was “guilty not only of gross procrastination and willful failure to act, but even of willful attempts to prevent action…to rescue Jews from Hitler.” War Refuge formed in 1944 for the “rescue, transportation, maintenance and relief of the victims of enemy oppression.” Immigration Laws were repealed as well. Thousands of Jews came to the US to escape from the Nazis, but it was too little too late.

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