Political Activities
From The Peopling of NYC
Chinese Americans, and Asian Americans in general are preceived by the public as having little interest in politics. This is slowly changing, this new found political activitism among the Chinese Americans could be mainly contributed to two causes: increased immigrant population and increased assimilation speed. With the propotion of Chinese American population reaching a historical high of 1.2% of total US population, Chinese Americans now have more political muscle than they ever had before. With more and more immigrants arriving from China every year, their political power can go nowhere but up. It is very much forseeable that soon powerful Chinese lobbists will have power in the American political machine similar to that of the Jewish Americans. The recent success of well assimilated Chinese Americans such as the New York City councilman John Liu, the former Governor of Washington Gary Locke and the Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao are great examples of the bright political future that awaits Chinese Americans, in sharp contrast to the racist treatments towards Chinese Americans in the past two centuries.