Instructions for wiki editing

From The Peopling of New York City


Wiki Workshop

Here are the notes from the wiki workshop.

Links to Previous Wiki Sites

Here is a page that lists wiki sites from past years.

Instructions for Linking

To link to a new (or existing page) on the wiki, just enclose the name of the page in two brackets like this:

[[ new page ]]

If you want the link to be a different word from the name of the page, use this syntax:

[[ new page | name of link]]

If you want to link to a page outside of this wiki, use this syntax:


If you want to link to a page outside of this wiki, and you want the link to be a different word (or phrase) from the default wiki link format, use this syntax:

[ Google]

How to insert/resize an image

To insert an image, just click on the picture of the picture, or use this syntax:

[[Image:Photo 1.jpg]]

To change the size of an image, use this syntax:

[[Image:Photo 1.jpg | 100px ]]

To change the alignment of an image, use this syntax:

[[Image:Photo 1.jpg | 100px | right ]]

To make an image a thumbnail, use this syntax:

[[Image:Photo 1.jpg | thumb | 100px | Caption ]]

This is how you make a list

* point one
* point two
* point three


# point one
# point two
# point three


How to add audio

See how to upload an mp3

How to add video

See: how to add a video


See: how to add citations