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2007 October : The Arts in New York City

Kara Walker Exhibition

Eddie Skripochnik
Kara Walker Exhibition
            Astonished, embarrassed, and helpless are only a few feelings that Kara Walker is able to intertwine with laughter. Her black silhouettes put on an overwhelmingly large area of strikingly white background are blunt and obnoxious. This could explain why her works are so memorable. It is not difficult to interpret
Walker’s intentions […]

A Little More than “Interest” by Finn Quigley

I was rushing to the Whitney Museum because I had to meet my dad in an hour back downtown.  My guitar broke earlier that morning, and all I could think about was poor Beatrix (my guitar) and if I would be able to fix her.  I planned on a short visit, choosing a piece to […]

From Peru by Christina Tesoro

The reason that I chose to write about my family rather than Kara Walker’s exhibit is because I feel there are only so many ways to say that one atrocity or another was awful. There are only so many ways to excoriate humanity for its inherent cruelty, and by now […]

An analysis of the Kara Walker Exhibition: By Gennadiy Rozentsvayg

            The Kara Walker exhibition was a thought-provoking display of artwork that really shaped my understanding of slavery as well as the experience of African-Americans during this time period. Kara Walker’s art can be considered controversial because it depicts the lives of African-Americans before the civil war in a less glorious fashion which includes a […]

Outlook on Kara Walker by Nickeitta Leung

Kara Walker: My Complement, My Enemy, My Oppressor, My Love, is a noteworthy exhibition at the Whitney Museum of American Art. Disperse throughout the exhibition are various conventional formatted art works of Walker such as, paintings, drawings and collages. On display are also more contemporary pieces such as, shadow-puppetry, colored-light projections, writings and video animations. […]

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