Visit to Waterfalls & Louise Bourgeois
Please add your 250 word commentary on Eliasson’s The New York City Waterfalls sponsored by the Public Art Fund or the Louise Bourgeois exhibition at the Guggenheim Museum.
CUNY Honors College 100, Section 3
Please add your 250 word commentary on Eliasson’s The New York City Waterfalls sponsored by the Public Art Fund or the Louise Bourgeois exhibition at the Guggenheim Museum.
Please post 200 words reflecting upon one or two pieces from the Buckminster Fuller, Progress, & Paul McCarthy exhibits now on view at the Whitney Museum. Also, comment on at least one of your classmates’ posts. Don’t forget to post by Tuesday @ 5:00.
Here’s a riff on Fuller’s buckyball…
Please write a 300-350 word essay about any single object, work, or image from any of the three exhibitions we saw together at the Metropolitan Museum. (In certain cases, you can write about an assemblage of works.) Use any font you like, provided it is a legible one, but please double space.
The key feature of your essay should be its specificity. You should spend about half of your 300-350 words describing in detail the image as closely as possible, and another half describing what you think the image means or suggests. On the description part, try to use your own words. Sure– you can consult wall text, exhibition information from the museum’s website or elsewhere, but I’d like to hear what *you* see, not a paraphrase of your research. On the interpretation part of your essay, please avoid telling a story about your encounter with the work; just get right down to what you think the work is saying (which is not necessarily what the artist him or herself intends).
In your writing, please avoid cliches like “the human condition” and “Great Art.” Keep it simple and direct. You should be sure to give the work’s title (if it has one). Indicate the word count on the bottom left corner at the end of your essay. This assignment is due next Wednesday at the beginning of class.