From The Peopling of New York City
Media Video Spoof
The video above is essentially our understanding of how the media (which includes movies, newspapers, television, etc.) portrays immigration to America. During the semester, we read books about immigration, visited national parks related to immigration and even found short clips from movies that highlighted immigration. All of them had a common theme, immigrants struggle to fit in and adjust to American society. It is a combination of not knowing American culture and not being accepted by American natives that contribute to an immigrant's struggles. However, as time passes and new immigrants come into the country, the immigrants that originally found it hard to assimilate are now the ones that look at the new waves of immigrants as being different. It is a cycle that will continue on and has continued to this day. New immigration has so many similarities to old immigration. Other than the types of people coming and the way they arrive (i.e: boat vs. airplane), immigrants of each time period share many of the same obstacles.