Interview 4 Transcript Zakiniaeiz

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Religious medallions and house decorations
Religious medallions and house decorations

Interview 4 Transcript

I interviewed a Muslim street vendor on 37th Avenue between 73rd and 74th Street. Although he did not wish to answer many of my questions and seemed annoyed by my interest in his stand, his responses were very interesting. There seemed to be some underlying tension when I asked touchy questions, however, his attitude made it difficult to tell whether he was bothered by my existence or just my questions.

Yasmin Zakiniaeiz: Hi, I am doing a project for Hunter College, do you mind if I ask you a few questions?

Anonymous: Why? What do you want?

Yasmin Zakiniaeiz: I was just interested in your stand and the Jackson Heights community. How long have you had this stand?

Anonymous: Six years.

Yasmin Zakiniaeiz: Do you live in Jackson Heights?

Anonymous: Around here.

Yasmin Zakinaieiz: Do you read the books you sell?

Islamic prayer books and Qur'ans
Islamic prayer books and Qur'ans

Anonymous: Sometimes.

Yasmin Zakinaieiz: How long do you usually stand here?

Anonymous: When the rain comes I go.

Yasmin Zakiniaeiz: Are you Muslim?

Anonymous: Mmhmm.

Yasmin Zakiniaeiz: What is this?

Anonymous: A candle with a smell [scented oil stick].

Yasmin Zakiniaeiz: Do many people buy them or do you sell Qur’an’s most of the time?

Anonymous: I have the Qur’an in almost every language take a look.

Yasmin Zakiniaeiz: Okay sure thank you. So how do you like living in Jackson Heights with Hindus and Christians?

Anonymous: I have this too (pointing to another book).

Yasmin Zakiniaeiz: Thanks. Do you talk to Hindus and Christians in the neighborhood?

Anonymous: What are you a customer or an interrogator?!?!?!

Yasmin Zakiniaeiz: Umm…thanks anyway for your time.

--Yzakiniaeiz 07:54, 4 May 2009 (UTC)