Transcript of Susannah's interview with Kanushree Jain

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Where did you live in India?

“I lived in New Delhi.”

When did you come to the United States?

“I came to the U.S. in 1992.”

Where in New York do you live?

“I live in Flushing.”

Why did your family come here?

“We came here for economic and educational opportunities.”

Did you meet many other South Asians or Indians here? When your family came here, did you guys feel a sense of community?

“We would make friends with South Asians because we spoke the same language. However, even though we met other South Asians, they wouldn’t offer us direct help. They would actually make fun of us. My mom would try to befriend them, but it was her taking the step forward. They didn’t really make much of an effort.”

What do you consider to be the difference between a South Asian and an Indian?

“In my opinion, there isn’t really that much of a difference.”

Does the Indian food here maintain the same flavor as in India?

“For the most part Indian food here tastes like Indian food in India. However, if we were living in India we would get fresher produce. In India, no preservatives or harmful agents are added to the fresh foods. So you can say that the taste differs in the type of produce that the dishes are made from.”

Do you only prepare food that is from the New Delhi, North India?

“We prepare mostly North Indian food; we barely eat any rice. However, we also make pasta, pizza, sandwiches, and grilled cheese.”

Can you tell me about the differences in what a North Indian would eat, as opposed to what a South Indian would eat?

“A North Indian would eat Roti, whereas a South Indian would eat rice.”

Do you prefer fast food or food made at home?

“I prefer food prepared at home.”

Does difference in age make a difference in the type of food an Indian would rather eat? Do children prefer Dosa, while adults prefer Roti?

“Personally I don’t think that age makes a difference in the type of food an Indian would rather eat. Everyone has their own specific likes and dislikes, age doesn’t really play a role.”