Got Funds?
Posted by: jettikkalayil in Uncategorized, news, tags: bailout, conference, debt, funds, pressAll the candidates’ representatives talked about their policies on the issue of energy including American independence from foreign oil, improving transportation technology, cleaner alternative fuels, and energy efficiencies. Funding of these policies were only brushed upon during our mock press conference. No in-depth information was given by any of the representatives on how the federal government will be able to fund their respective ideas and policies. Even after the financial debacle, it seems that the federal government still knows how to spend money, and a clear example of their spendthrift personality is the federal governments ‘double-edged sword’ bailout plan of $700 billon to buy up troubled mortgage investments previously held by fallen insurance giants and banks such as American International Group (AIG).
After all this where will the government leech from to fund its energy policies? Should I remind you about our national debt? According to the national debt counter, United States’ deficit is a fourteen digit figure, over $10 trillion. According to Associated Press, The $700 billion government bailout could send the national debt to more than $11 trillion.
Now I ask all the representatives, after hearing this how will their candidates fund their energy policies without drastically increasing the national debt. Got Funds?
This is probably the easiest question Mr. Barr has had to answer.
Let the free market and businesses drive the energy sector. Funds should come from private corporations and individuals aiming to earn profits.
However, you do make good points in favor of why government should not interfere in the economy.
As for your statement that none of the representatives gave any in-depth information, Mr. Barr has repeatedly given the above answer. I do not know how you arrived at your conclusion.
Mr. Nader seems to want to invest a lot of money into developing the “green” energy plants and resources now (which possibly could raise the national debt), which will eventually payback in the future (new jobs, environment-related tax, etc).
so… invest now and we shall enjoy later!?
John, I still see no action, do you? Both Nader and Barr’s responses are hope for a better tomorrow. Let’s hope the market comes up with an answer. Let’s hope that our investment is worth it.
Then let me make it very clear.
The funds will NOT come from the government. When R&D etc. is necessary, the market will do it and not the government.
I hope that clears up any further questions.
We need to do everything in our power to set standards to increase energy and fuel efficiency, which will bring down costs and will help to bring us out of this economic crisis. No, Mr. Leung, you are not going to be seeing any “action” in the sense that we are going to be able to wave some magic R&D wand over all our energy woes. What we can offer, and what the Obama/Biden campaign will be offering is a logical solution to a very difficult situation.
One of the cornerstones of the New Energy for America plan is implement an economy-wide cap and trade system that will significantly reduce carbon emissions. The system will require that all credits are to be auctioned off, in order to ensure that all idustries pay for every ton of emissions they release. A portion of the receipts generated by this system (about $15 billion a year) will be used to support development of clean, efficient, and alterantive energy resources.
By accomplishing things such as investing in the implementation of a Smart Grid, increasing the investment of lithium ion batteries, and learning to build more sustainable communities, we will effectively be bringing costs down and bring more jobs to Americans and strengthing our now wounded economy. These effects are not going to be immediate. Mr. Biden never claimed that they will be. I don’t think anyone could make a claim like that. But if we don’t try to take action in the form of smart investments, I know that our economy will only continue to hurt.