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THE ARTS IN NEW YORK CITY » Blog Archive » a few different galleries

a few different galleries

So I’m not so good at interpreting art, but I know whether I like something when I see it 0 and it doesn’t necessarily have to be pretty or something i would put in my living it just works for me or doesn’t - maybe this is a very self-centered approach to art, but that;s how I am I guess.

I really liked a gallery I saw that had photos of a tree and then zoomed in on a sigle leaf. I really like the concept of being able to see the same thing from a million different perspectives. (sorry i don’t know the names of the galleries i’m referring to, but I left the papers in my dorm and I’m in Brooklyn for the weekend).

Another gallery had canvases of colorful swirls that were made of fruit labels which i thought was pretty cool and in that dame gallery there were photographs pf randoms things on tables - the tables and background were white in ever picture so it really made the colors pop - i thought it was done very well

I also liked the gallery with the man in the box that was sawed in half and the lamp and headless magician etc, even though I thought it was really creepy, I thought it was very Dadaist (don’t know if it actually was) which is art that is about nothing and doesn’t try to justify it, which i have always liked, because i think it’s important to be able to just be creative and do what you feel without trying to find a meaning behind it, and even if it does have meaning, you shouldn’t have to be able to verbalize it - you expressed it in your art however it came to you and everyone can just interpret it for themselves. art is about seeing the art work not about reading essays about it.

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