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THE ARTS IN NEW YORK CITY » Blog Archive » Of performances in America

Of performances in America

I can understand the reason for people not liking the performances that Zhang Huan executed in America. This is not the fault of Zhang Huan, nor is it the fault of participating audience members. It merely reflects the differences between human interactions and morals in Chinese society and our own. America’s focus is in the individual, we are used to hearing that anything is possible, and that with enough determination, any imaginable potential can be realized. Chinese society centers instead around collectivism, where leaders perhaps act as the patriarchal figures to the entire nation. In such a society, where media and literature are severely censored (just as a parent would supervise how his child was entertained), most people are used to being ready to submit to their leader and follow rules even if the rest of the world considers these guidelines prime examples of propaganda. To break down our individualistic thinking patterns, it was necessary for the people in the film to act like animals because they were being taken back to their bare instincts and urges, without any regard for the human conception of society and expected (proper) behavior. Only from their primitive states, could they build up thought processes and begin to understand conforming and not questioning their leader as well as the importance of their unity.
To show that he was a regular person, Zhang Huan at first ran with the people, acting ever bit animalistic as anybody else. Simultaneously however, to come into the center of their “society,” he descended by means of a rope from a platform near the ceiling. This was done as if to show people who did not see him standing on the platform with the others (perhaps to those on lower platforms), that he descended from the heavens. Hence, he was trying to recreate the logic/justification behind the ‘mandate of heaven,’ reasoning in older Chinese society. The message here is of course political, but he was not trying to criticize society as much as he was attempting to find the path towards understanding how and why it came to be. More importantly, his art in China cannot be compared with that in America. In China, he performs in front of an audience that understands him and his motives for performing. For this audience, Zhang Huan’s performances spell out truth and history. In America, his performances are seen as art before they are given historical or political meaning. For us, this is entertainment, a chance to marvel at a different culture.

As for the rest of the exhibit, it was inspiring and I will probably go back before it closes sometime in January. Zhang Huan demonstrates control, first over himself and then over those who surround him, audience members, carving crew, etc…

David Wojnarowicz was a prominent figure in the 1980’s New York City art scene. He is known mainly for his photography and filmmaking although he was also a writer, performance artist, and painter. Like Zhang Huan, Wojnarowicz photographed his facial expressions in centered black and white head shots, only instead of facial expressions, Wojnarowicz uses objects to alter his appearance. Wojnarowicz was disgusted with Western materialism and collaborated with Beatnik writers in their search for spiritual order. I enjoyed doing research on David Wojnarowicz because I like pop art as well as black and white photography (and William Burroughs, who was friends with Wojnarowicz, happens to be one of my favorite authors) and Wojnarowicz put all of these things in one form of art used to protest against contemporary society.

The role of the artist is just that, to be an artist. Although art is sometimes used for political or spiritual reasons, all of it is not meant for everybody to understand. It is difficult to say what the role of an artist is because today, it seems like everyone is an artist of some form. Art encompasses every single type of expression and to get along with others or sort through ideas, expression is essential. Therefore, the role of the artist is to express personal beliefs or ideas. Both Zhang Huan and David Wojnarowicz do this by teaching and protesting, respectively, in their forms of art.

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One Response to “Of performances in America”

  1. lfreire Says:

    Interesting point about the differences in both Chinese and American society. The clash of ideologies is certainly a determining factor in how different people view a particular work of art. The effect of different cultures on individuals is evident. As you mentioned, the challenges Huan faced as a result of the oppression in China are exemplified through his work. I find that his work is a perfect example of a person’s relationship to their environment.
    I guess an interesting thing to think about is how different stages can have a completely different effect on how an art work is presented. There was a reason why Huan came to America to present works such as “My America”. In my opinion, the themes he presented were more related to what American people envision while Huan’s works in China were more linked to his native culture.
    Overall, interesting post!

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