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THE ARTS IN NEW YORK CITY » Blog Archive » delicious link?

delicious link?

Greg.. or anyone else for that matter, I set up my delicious account. I saved the page I want to my account, but now I can’t figure out how to get the link from my delicious account to the delicious links page on our blog. So, if anyone can comment this post with a way to do that, it would be much appreciated.

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SELECT post_id, category_id FROM wp_post2cat WHERE post_id IN (18)

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3 Responses to “delicious link?”

  1. jennybere Says:

    Hey there- all you have to do is TAG your link as seminar1mhc and it will eventually post onto this site. I was the one who put the “Spring Awakening video” link up, so I’m proof that it works. Good luck :-)

  2. gdonovan Says:

    Thanks for responding to this Jenny!

  3. gdonovan Says:

    Kim - I added the “FAQ” category to your post since this is a good question (followed by a good answer).

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