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THE ARTS IN NEW YORK CITY » Blog Archive » Love in a Tub Is ROCKIN’ AWESOME!!!

Love in a Tub Is ROCKIN’ AWESOME!!!

This show was the most fun I’ve ever had at the theater. Ever. I have never been to a show that has comedy, dance, singing, and romance. Who knew so much could be packed into two hours??? (Let’s just say, that this is one show that I would pay to see again!)

In truth, there are only good and great things to say about this show. I couldn’t think of a better way to spend a Friday night. I had so much fun and laughed so hard, I couldn’t help but leave the show with a bit of an ’80s high. I swear, I sang the songs (”Jenny in tears…”- if you saw the show you know what I’m talking about) the whole ride home, and to my boyfriend, that’s a really long 2 hour ride home.

From the first moments, even just before the show started, just seeing the stage design, I could tell this was going to be interesting. The theater changed a lot since The Investigation; there were two stages this time. Where everyone sat for The Investigation, there was now a stage. On the opposite side was another stage, and in between was what looked like a runway, connecting the two stages together.

First, a man came from the left stage, with long blond curly hair, and dressed in clothes from what looked like the 16-1800s. With an interestingly incomprehensible British accent, he essentially told us to turn off our cell phones in a really clever way- in the middle of some speech, his cell phone rang (and what a ring tone he had). Let’s just say, afterwards, everyone turned their cell phones off.

Directly afterwards, the curtain to the right came off and uncovered The Fyddlers. They looked so authentic!!! I was really impressed with the make-up and the costumes, it was fantastic. I really didn’t expect to see as many bare chests and all, but it added to the authenticity of it all. I wish I could describe this better, and I keep trying to relate to you how amazing it really was to hear the first sounds of the rock music and then to see the band, how surprisingly wonderful it was, and I can’t do it justice. I wish I could have taken a picture of it, or I could have recorded the whole show or something, just to be able to show it to everything and watch it whenever I feel like lifting my spirits.

So, I’m not going to go through every detail of everything I liked about the show. I’ll end up writing a novel before I’m finished describing it all. I just want to mention a few things before I praise the show some more.

First, the French roadie was HILARIOUS. He was phenomenal. He had the best French accent I have ever heard, and his scenes were absolutely, positively genius. Just a few scenes that were fantastic include when he was stuck in a tub (”I am in a tub. I can’t do anything in the tub. I can wiggle my nose!”), when he was on stage talking about his lady love (or rather the lady he’s pretending to love to cover up the fact that he has “the clap”) and he said “Tresemme……. (very long pause) ooo, la, la.” That was utterly hilarious, and that was just two. I’m not sure if all of you who didn’t see the show understand what I’m talking about, but if you don’t, you missed a hell of a lot.

There was an old lady in the show, with the hots for the lead singer in The Fyddlers, which made some really funny scenes, considering that the lead singer had the hots for every woman on the planet. Also, the old lady’s daughter, who happens to be the French roadie’s lady love, was one of the lead singer’s targets. One of the particularly fantastic scenes of hers was when she and a bunch of her gal pals attacked the French roadie (they were the ones who put him into the tub) with a big red baseball bat. Poor French man, or as she likes to call him, “Monsioooooooooouuuuuuurrrrrrrr.”

Ah, what a fantastic show. I wish I could put more on here with more details and all, but I don’t think there are words in the English language to describe this shows level of wonderfulness. I think I’ll use the French term instead….”Tresemme……ooo la la….” I really hope they bring this show back at Hunter and make it a regular. It is so much fun and it will really get you up on stage, dancing. Seriously, I will pay to see this show again. MAKE MORE SHOWS!!!!!

If you haven’t seen it and there are still show times for it, DEFINITELY SEE IT!!! This is so worth the time, and they don’t even charge you for tickets! But if they did, you won’t regret paying for it. You’ll probably thank them for taking the money. Seriously, go see it.

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