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THE ARTS IN NEW YORK CITY » Blog Archive » reflections on CHC 100 and blogging

reflections on CHC 100 and blogging

when i was printing up my blogs i noticed that as the semester progressed my blogs got longer.  and i was marvelling as i realized that when i started this semester, the notion of analyzing and critically writing about art was completely foreign to me, even when writing my first draft of my second paper and didn’t quite have the right idea… and then suddenly I found myself able to describe, write about and analyze art in detail with more ease.  I think I even wrote in one of the blogs how I just like to look at art and not pick it apart.  Now, though, when I go to see a piece of art or performance etc. I have a storehouse of themes, questions and critical points to consider and give me a more fulfilling experience of the work - and I guess that’s a good thing.

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