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THE ARTS IN NEW YORK CITY » Blog Archive » Gilbert & George - Performance Artist

Gilbert & George - Performance Artist

Reading through the list that Professor Orenstein gave us, I found the name Gilbert, so naturally I gravitated towards it and read what my oh so wonderful name could be associated with. The irony was, when the link to the Wikipedia page came up, it brings up “‘Naked Shit Pictures’ (1995) that brought media attention”. Exactly what I want people to associate my name with. Their motto was “Art For All”, they even named their house that, and called themselves “living sculptures”. At first, they were mainly performance artists, doing things such as themselves gold. However, they grew from the performance arts to video, photography, and drawing. some of the artwork included…

Gilbert and GeorgeGilbert and George 2Gilbert and George Pissing

As for a performance art someone could do today, as long as it’s shocking and crosses socially acceptable boundaries, it will gain attention.

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One Response to “Gilbert & George - Performance Artist”

  1. esanchez Says:

    I agree with you in that performance art creates a lot of shock value and that it is meant to cross the boundaries. I think that it is meant to do that because it creates so much shock value that people will remember them. I guess that controversial performances are more “lively” than regular art. Perhaps they want to do this kind of art for the heck of it. This is very similar to Zhang Huan’s works in the sense that they use thier bodies as works of arts and that you only get what you see. Still, I admire the way they draw attention to their works of art.

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