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THE ARTS IN NEW YORK CITY » Blog Archive » Cambodian dance and Met response

Cambodian dance and Met response

Honestly, I hated the Cambodian dance. I had to stop myself from falling asleep a number of times, and I’m still not sure I made the right decision. I would have to see more of the artform to decide whether it was specifically this piece I disliked, or the style of Cambodian dance in general. In my opinion, the dancers lacked any kind of emotional expression, either through facial expression or through the energy of the dance itself. The movements were stylized and exact but lacked passion or emotive presence. I was unable to sympathize with any of the characters involved. I don’t doubt that the dance form is difficult to master, but that does not make it interesting to watch. I am not sure how much of the piece was traditional Cambodian purism and how much an adaptation to the modern Western setting. Seeing the entire original Magic flute might help me gain an impression of the exact balance involved.

As for the trip to the Met, I found it generally interesting and informative. It was good to get a view of the financial and administrative aspects of the art world, outside of the artist’s perspective, which we have already covered extensively. It’s amazing that one museum can possess such a comprehensive record of so many years of art history, and in such good condition.

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2 Responses to “Cambodian dance and Met response”

  1. weiner.zach Says:

    I agree with you Josh, I to hated the Cambodian Dance. However, I think it is an overstatement to say that it lacked emotion. To me the emotion was there but it was in slow motion. It lacked drama and and excitement. It had emotion but it was boring emotion. I also agree, that in order to gain an opinion of the artform as a whole I would have to see more.

  2. jwang Says:

    I agree with the both of you, in that the show at some times would put me to sleep. However, I did not hate it. While I did not particularly enjoy it, I did gain some respect for the dancers. Think about it - they have to act out an entire story by using dance choreography instead of lines. They may not have done that so well - I noticed that they lacked emotion, as well as coordination at times - but it must be a hard task and I respect the idea of it. That, and the freezing atmosphere of the theater, was what kept me awake during the performance.

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