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THE ARTS IN NEW YORK CITY » Blog Archive » the documentary

the documentary

I actually wanted to comment on the art of making a documentary. in the documentary movie in the museum there is this one part where the workers are wheeling a gigantic foot through the street - now, I personally found this scene to be extremely comical, i mean, just imagine walking down the street and seeing a unch of guys walking y with a huge foot! but in the documentary the music during this part was so serious, i thought it was really mismatched, if i would have chosen the music for that scene it would have been fun and silly, and the scene would have been something straight out of a comedy. however, the music wasn’t really mismatched because it matched the purposes of the documenter which was to portray the scene as serious business and a momentous occassion for this project. it was a point that really struck me - the importance of music choice in film (or theater or anything really) or choosing any medium in any artwork.

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