WordPress database error: [Table 'orenstein07.wp_post2cat' doesn't exist]
SELECT post_id, category_id FROM wp_post2cat WHERE post_id IN (4)

THE ARTS IN NEW YORK CITY » Blog Archive » Welcome to the class blog

Welcome to the class blog

To setup your user account click on the “register” link at the top of the right hand column. You will then be asked to enter a username and email. Its best if you make your username your first initial and last name (i.e. “gdonovan”). Once you’ve entered this information, click the “Register >>” button.

A password will be automatically generated and sent to your email account. Once you’ve received your password you are ready to log in. If you have any trouble or have any questions feel free to send me an email — gregory (at) gregorydonovan (dot) org — or stop by during my office hours (M 9:30-1:00; F 9:30-11:30).

WordPress database error: [Table 'orenstein07.wp_post2cat' doesn't exist]
SELECT post_id, category_id FROM wp_post2cat WHERE post_id IN (4)

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6 Responses to “Welcome to the class blog”

  1. rbenari Says:

    when i click on “comment on this comment” it just sends me back to the home screen - ??????

  2. rbenari Says:

    and how do i start a new post / topic?

  3. gdonovan Says:

    its doing that on my computer as well and I’m not sure why. let me see if I can fix it, I’ll email everyone once its resolved. thanks for notifying me.

  4. rbenari Says:

    ok last question… i hope - after every time i submit a comment my computer goes to a page that says url not found.

  5. gdonovan Says:

    rakefet - you’ve identified 2 problems, which is great. the first is that the “reply to this comment” isn’t working and the second is that when you post something it sends you an error message (even though the post goes through). i’ll try to sort out these two errors and will let you know if i can fix them. ALSO - to start a new post, click on the “site admin” link in the right column (near the bottom). once there, click on the “write” link and you’re good to go.

  6. rbenari Says:

    thanx greg!

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