Ethnicity and Religion
From The Peopling of Astoria, Queens
Click on a point to see information about a Religious Institution.
A. First Reformed Church of Astoria
B. St. Georges Episcopal Church
C. Muslim Ummah In America
D. Good Shepard United Methodist Korean Church
E. Our Lady Of Mt. Carmel Church
F. Israel Egalitarian Synagogue
G. Presbyterian Church of Astoria
H. Holy Cross Ukranian Catholic Church
I. St. Demetrios Greek Cathedral of Astoria
For More Information about certain locations, please refer to their homepages below (Note: You will leave this page)
1. Israel Egalitarian Synagogue
2. Methodist Korean Church
(This page requires installation of Korean Language Packet)
3. Our Lady Of Mt. Carmel Church
4. Presbyterian Church of Astoria
Astoria is home for many groups of people of different ethnicities and backgrounds. Each group has its own
characteristic customs, traditions, language, and other cultural signatures. The next few pages will introduce
you to some of these groups through the exploration of the group's history, culture and statistical facts.
Click on the desired link to continue.
To see an offical general census taken for Astoria for the Year 2000,based on ancestry, go to the following link:
Ancestry Census of Astoria Yr 2000
1. Little Greece and Greek Orthodoxy
3. Jewish Community of Astoria
4. Indian Immigration to Astoria
5. Islam In Astoria
Members of the Religion and Ethnicity Group Are: Sunny, Max, Steven , Arthur, Edeel
Religion - Elton John