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Public Opinions

From The Peopling of Astoria, Queens

Interviews May 2, 2007

Name: John Schiliro

Age: 45

Nationality: Italian

Q1) When did your family come to America?

A1) I am a third-generation American, I am not sure what year my grandparents came to America.

Q2) What is your political affiliation?

A2) Democrat

Q3) Have you ever voted in any local elections?

A3) No, just national elections.

-Your current representatives are Senator George Onorato and Councilmember Peter Vallone Jr.

Q4) Do you feel your current representatives are addressing local issues appropriately?

A4) I have no complaints, I am happy with the way Astoria is run.

Q5) Do you feel your current representatives are neglecting any local issues?

A5) No.

Q6) Are you informed of any local community organizations?

A6) No.

Name: Luis Rodriguez

Age: 32

Nationality: Hispanic

Q1) When did you come to America?

A1) I came to America with my parents when I was 10, in 1985.

Q2) What is your political affiliation?

A2) Democrat

Q3) Have you ever voted in any local elections?

A3) No.

-Your current representatives are Senator George Onorato and Councilmember Peter Vallone Jr.

Q4) Do you feel your current representatives are addressing local issues appropriately?

A4) I am a construction worker, and I have heard the name George Onorato said at our past monthly meetings, but I am not sure why.

Q5) Do you feel your current representatives are neglecting any local issues?

A5) No.

Q6) Are you informed of any local community organizations?

A6) No.

Name: Kosta Papabopolous

Age: 29

Nationality: Greek

Q1) When did your parents come here?

A1) My parents came to America in 1970.

Q2) What is your political affiliation?

A2) Independent

Q3) Have you ever voted in any local elections?

A3) No.

-Your current representatives are Senator George Onorato and Councilmember Peter Vallone Jr.

Q4) Do you feel your current representatives are addressing local issues appropriately?

A4) I receive letters from my son's elementary school about Peter Vallone's actions dealing with school issues.

Q5) Do you feel your current representatives are neglecting any local issues?

A5) No.

Q6) Are you informed of any local community organizations?

A6) No.

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This page was last modified 16:00, 3 May 2007 by The Peopling of Astoria, Queens anonymous user