Basic summary of one part of the project
I found two articles, one of them talks about Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) how these provide new yorkers with fresh, locally grown products that you have to be a member to join. Although it is expensive they have programs in place to ease the burden for those who are not able to afford the hefty price tag. It costs about 200-400 bucks a year to join. This article was from the spring of 2005
The second article is about Whole foods supermarket versus the Farmers market on union square. There is a discussion about these two and how even though the greenmarket, the farmers market, is popular, it can only accommodate a limited number of people. There are benefits from having the supermarket, since it has a bigger selection, but it’s freshness can not be guaranteed like that in the farmers market. Since these two are next to each other, its like competition and as a result there is a part of the article that asks “Is giving one’s money to Whole Foods taking it away from the Greenmarket, hence local farmers?” “Arguably, the whole foods [supermarket] shopper gives up the freshness of local produce in exchange for a wider range of products, including more choice of organic foods.” This was also published in Spring 2005. -Dmitry
For the above I plan on making a slide show probably through powerpoint with pertinent information and pictures while my voice is going to be heard explaining some things related to the information above.