So I have a draft of the introduction but I’m pretty sure it needs to specifically delve into what each group is doing to a greater degree. I did it on another site originally and I want to finish editing the text on that site before I transfer it over to this one. This is the URL.
So basically every group should take a look at it and make whatever comments they can on this post, and begin reshaping it.
I’m also well aware of the fact that there are some grammatical errors so you don’t necessarily need to waste time on pointing those out because it’s only a rough draft. Go ahead if you want though.
December 12th, 2007 at 4:27 pm
You did a lot of research and I like your writing style! I actually learned a few things from your essay. One discrepancy is that you shifted from the view of I (as a NJer) and They (NYers) into “We” (unless that was a grammatical error). And your idea that NYC is special because everything is here may be true, but many cities have ‘everything’ there too. I think you should go deeper into what IS specifically NYC culture as well.
Also, I thought that you should specifically mention some more of the independent art that happens only in NYC (like subway art, neighborhood murals, Chelsea and East Side art neighborhoods, etc.)
December 12th, 2007 at 4:59 pm
“An important reason for this is simply because everyone is here. New York’s Population as of 2005 was 18,718,000. The next most populated city in the United States is L.A. which can only boast 12,298,000 people.”
You mixed up your statistics. In that paragraph you talk about cities. New York City does not have a population close to 19 million, more like about 8-9 million. New York STATE has about 18-19 million. Since New York City is the largest city in the United States, L.A. might not have the figure you posted.
December 12th, 2007 at 10:24 pm
to alliem,
1. i’ll fix the P.O.V. mess up. thanks for pointing it out, i never would have noticed.
2. i’ll definitely introduce those examples of independent art and include a segment on that.
3. i also think that anything that is more “deeply” NYC culture will be pointed out by the other groups, so i’ll look over what people have in a couple days and introduce it in my section.
to dmitry
1. i defined the given figures as a population for an urban agglomeration in the next sentence
3. if you just would have looked up the figures i had provided (like just typed the exact numbers in google) you would have found out that i wasn’t mixed up. i sincerely apologize for the confusion though.
4. perhaps your time would be better spent adding a little info about what you plan to do with your specific section, so i can get on with updating the intro to better reference the site. just a suggestion.
4. but maybe your right, i’ll update my figures. the list for the population of the New York urban area for 2007 is actually 20,420,000. i’ll get right on that for tomorrow.
5. thanks for your comment though.
December 12th, 2007 at 11:32 pm
The only reason I brought that up is because the sentence right after you stated the population of New York, you said: “The next most populated city.” I know you were comparing a state to a city, but other people might not have realized that.
Also I see no point announcing right now what the Food group or I individually are going to do since that might ground us in stone while we still are looking on how to improve our section.
December 26th, 2007 at 10:32 am
To me what is different about NYC is the taxis–most not as roomy as London. More important, there are very few taxi queues of the kind you see in London or Paris. In NYC it is a free for all. Taxis stop anywhere they want. Try that in Paris! This free for all may not be unique to NYC but it certainly is a distinguishing characteristic. And how about pedestrians. They don’t stand on the curb. They stand in the street making it difficult for cars to make right turns. Try that in London! I wish there was more on this site in terms of those kind of observations of human behavior. Another example: in London car will not yield pedestrians right of way. They will mow you down. This can happen in NYC, of course, but if you are an aggressive pedestrian (I’m not recommending this) you can often get even taxis to break for you while you are crossing a street. Don’t count on that in London. But London has cabs that are so much more civilized with room for your legs and your luggage inside the cab. NYC taxis are pitiful–even the minivans.