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Yeena: The information on the creation of parks in the first place is interesting, but the way it is presented right now looks too...blocky? I dont know if that's the right word to describe it, but it just looks like big chunks of text one after another. Since this is the beginning stage of the background info, it's good that we have so much info on the history of parks, but I think we can try to break up the text a little by making subtitles and sub-subtitles, etc as wikipedia entries are usually presented. Also, we seem to be lacking visuals thus far, this would be a great page to include photos of parks, and specific parks that we visited, which I'm sure we already have but have not uploaded yet. Mei and James, I notice that some of your info includes good details about chinese chess itself and not the park in particular, so perhaps you can consider moving those parts from this park research page to the chinese chess page, just so that we have organized and cohesive pages that focus on the same themes respectively.

Hey Yeena it's sophie, i've fixed my park stuff, I hope this is better, and I'm hoping to incorporate more images when I figure out how or maybe someone can help me tomorrow.

Yeena: Thanks Sophie! It looks much more organized and complete now. James: I notice you have "culture of chinese chess players" in here...when theres an empty section for that under the chinese chess page, it would make more sense to move that passage and transfer it to the chinese chess page! Actually, both the "demographics" section should be moved to the chinese chess page. This page is for park info only after all.