Bedazzled by “Bee-Dazzled” haha.
One day when I was taking a brisk walk under the blaring sun along the streets of Union Square when my eyes caught sight upon a large crowd surrounding a street performance. With my inquisitive mind, I decided to go and take a gander at what was happening. I saw a small circus tent on stage with a banner across it saying, “Circus Amok” and was bedazzled. Ironically, the show was called “Bee-Dazzled”. Just a small pun I don’t think anybody other than myself will find funny. Anyway, I didn’t understand much of what was going on since I started watching it mid-way. I saw a man in drag come out in a queen bee costume. Soon after, other people came out in worker bee costumes and danced around the drag queen. There were crazy acrobats cart-wheeling around the stage and enormous stilt-walkers. After watching the rest of it, I didn’t really understand the message that was trying to be sent. I just knew that it was about the disappearance of honeybees. To find out more, when I got home I looked up more about this particular performance and discovered that the disappearance of honeybees is supposed to resemble the war in Iraq. Circus Amok is a circus-theater company whose performances usually address issues about social justice. After learning more about the company, I only wished to have arrived at Union Square a little bit earlier to catch the entire performance and fully grasp the performance’s significance. Overall, it was a pretty weird show but at the same time captivating to the audience.