For Wednesday, Your First Review

I am sure you haven’t forgotten that your first review is due on Wednesday. Bring a printed copy of your review with you to the museum. Also post an electronic version of your review to the blog. Make sure you do the following:

on the BLOG,

  • post your entire review
  • include a title
  • after the first paragraph insert a “more” tag so that when you view your post on the blog home page, you see only the first paragraph, then a link reading “Read the rest of this entry”, that takes you to the rest of your review. The ‘more’ tag is in the formatting area above the space where you write your message to the blog
  • check TWO CATEGORIES – your name and ‘writing assignments’


  • double-spaced
  • 10-12 point type
  • bring printed copy with you to the museum

2 Responses to “For Wednesday, Your First Review”

  1. susan Says:

    When it comes to posting on the blog, are we expected to post it the day it’s due? As in this review being due wednesday so we all have to get it in before midnight … sort of maybe? Would it matter if say I posted it in the morning before class or at night later in the evening?

  2. Zoe Sheehan Saldana Says:

    Post it by 2:30pm (the class meeting time) on the day it’s due.

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