Some thoughts about the big-draw event
Lu Huang Assignment #1 Due Sept 19
The big-draw event, I think it really is over-exaggerated by the organizers. Overall, I think it is a poorly schemed event.
First of all, its locations were arranged in an inconvenient way. It was a good idea to offer people different locations with different options. But each spot was located too far away from each other and some places were totally blocked by the trees. I mean it’s not supposed to be a treasure hunt. I spent approximately 30 minutes walking at a faster than average speed from one spot to another (American Indian Natural Museum to Battery Park City). So basically I’ve already been exhausted by the distance without even participating in the event yet. And I really had a trouble finding the Battery Park City. Eventually, an old lady guided me there. It was like a normal classroom-size and surrounded by tree. The old lady also commented it was really hard for a stranger to find that place.
Why would I bother choosing two spots instead of one? Because I didn’t feel like the first was an art event, well, neither the second. (Unfortunately, I didn’t find out until I went to the second). It was a combination of factors contributing to my conclusion. Let me talk about the Indian Natural Museum first. I totally went to two spots, and the Indian Natural Museum was the first one. So what they did there was: They first dispatched paper to people and then invited the Native Americans dancing for us. While they were dancing, we were supposed to catch their body movements and draw down on the paper. I found those professional people generally enjoyed it. But other people, like me, who didn’t have any training before, basically massed up. Nobody was there to guide you. All the staff did was to give you paper. So eventually I didn’t really enjoy the dancing because I was busy drawing. And my drawing was really… beyond disgust. The second place was Battery Park City. When I got there, I just realized I shouldn’t bother coming. Again, all the staff did was giving you paper and tools. Well, some would even give you an attitude. It was understandable. It was hot and they stayed outside for almost a day. If you have a partner, you are supposed to draw each other’s eyes, and if you don’t they will give you a mirror, so you can draw your own eyes with the help of the mirror. I really thought this was idiotic and nonsense. Basically, I could have just stayed at home and drawn my eyes with air conditioner on and not pissing out the staff. At the end of the day, I found I got nothing but a map, two pieces of paper, one pencil and a mirror, sounds like the materials for a science lab.
Probably it’s just I wasn’t lucky enough finding a place with instructors. But I really think they should arrange instructors for every spot, because without any professional guidance, all the things could be done at home. Then what’s the point of coming here? I probably am too picky, but I really think those two things I joined are either too professional or too boring. They should really come up with some creative staff, that’s what art is about. So who’s the winner? The organizer? Obviously, they totally screwed up.
September 22nd, 2007 at 5:27 pm
Your review was hilarious and made me laugh out loud! You should really go become an art critic. I guess the smart thing the organizer could have done was have all the events in some huge air-conditioned tent or something. That way, there would be an outdoor feel and it wouldn’t piss off people like you. lol
September 23rd, 2007 at 11:52 am
haha, i guess your not going back anytime soon