The Greatest Museum of them all
I was walking out of the Long Island Railroad station at 34 street after listening to an underground musician playing his windpipes and I started to wonder. Why are people from all over the world attracted to the city of New York? Is it because of the tall buildings or because of the shiny lights. Maybe it’s the shopping and the landmarks. Or perhaps the reason lies within the infatuation people have with museums. Museums appeal to a persons ambitions as well as his/her curiosities. As a result, people from all over the globe visit NYC, since it’s the biggest museum in the world. Whether it be the famous sites like the Empire State building and the MET or the art found in everyday places like Madison Square Park (with it’s metal trees) and the subway (with the break dancers). NYC is in itself a museum. Next time out, don’t just take public transportation rather, walk around and discover the street performer in Penn station or the unique displays in SOHO or Chinatown. Even check out the local scene in Grand Central or 42nd street for talented street performers, because talent isn’t only present in famous people. So enjoy the world’s art show before you start having to pay for it.