Art in the 74th Street – Roosevelt Ave. Station
The last place i thought i would find art is in the subway. I have been using the 74th Street – Roosevelt Avenue station for about the passed nine years. Nine years ago this subway was not in such a good condition. There were a lot of graffiti, broken down doors and dirty walls in the subway station. But over the passed four to six years, there have a lot of renovations done in that station. Part of these renovations included new stairs, more entrances, and other things. I had noticed the changes when I would go to the subway once in a while. A few days ago I was waiting for the 7 train for a long time due to a problem on the track and noticed some artworks on the glass wall of the platform. Instead of boring one colored walls, they decided to put in these glass walls. There were many different abstract designs done the glass. These designs consisted of simple shapes transformed and colored. This reminded me of the exhibit called recollections from the Hall of Science. I was amazed to find art in such a place as the 74th Street subway station. I did not even notice these till few days ago. So look at your local subway stations I bet you will notice new artwork and will be amazed by it.
October 17th, 2007 at 7:49 pm
good observation! I’ve been using this station for two year, but had never noticed this. I guess this is another kind of way to present art in the everyday life.
October 18th, 2007 at 11:02 pm
I wonder if these abstract works are supposed to make the strap hanger feel a certain way…may be less stressed out about train delays? (perhaps an attempt by the MTA to improve customer relations)
October 19th, 2007 at 1:30 am
I have never noticed the artwork displayed in the 74th Street Station. Maybe it’s just because I just never took the time to look around whenever I was at the station. I think that it’s a great idea for the MTA folks to refurbish the station so that it doesn’t look so run-down. It makes commuters like myself feel better when I wait for the train to come. I think next time when I’m at the 74th Street Station, I’ll look for the art around the station.
October 19th, 2007 at 9:12 am
I personally think that it makes the subway stations prettier. A little color never hurt!