ICP yo
Located at 43rd street and Avenue of the Americas, the ICP (International Center of Photography) touched my heart deeply through it’s photographs. Containing no other forms of art other than photography and posters, the images that are presented are astounding and powerful. The current exhibitions were about war, which is a topic that is serious and touching. As I stared at the photographs, sadness settled into my heart as I saw blood pouring from a dead snipered soldier, a soldier being carried out in a stretcher, a soldier recently shot, and a mass grave of 46 Spaniards. Bravery is also presented as you see real soldiers heading toward war, an inevitable destiny for them, and their expression of bravery yet fear hidden behind it. Photography is such a powerful form of art where you can appreciate and witness what really happened in the past. Photographs allows us to know the true emotion of a certain event and those affected in the process.
October 18th, 2007 at 8:38 pm
what a creative title, son.
Anyway, I agree with you that photographs can really elicit strong emotion from its viewers. I remember seeing a photograph at the ICP of a dead fetus and feeling both sorry, disturbed, and terrified.
October 18th, 2007 at 11:53 pm
Yes, photography can be very powerful. I think the curator at the Baruch Mishkin Gallery mentioned that photographs are powerful because they’re so real (granted they’re not photoshopped).