Archive for October, 2007

Serra’s magnum opus

Monday, October 15th, 2007

I consider myself to be very lucky for I had a chance to appreciate Richard Serra’s magnum opus: Richard Serra Sculpture: Forty Years, a retrospective of Serra’s work: Intersection II (1992-1993) and Torqued Ellipse IV (1998), in the MoMA (The museum no longer shows the exhibition). Richard Serra, a minimalist sculptor, astounded me with his unconventional ways of looking at art. (more…)

Saddie Benning’s Art Exhibit “Form of a Waterfall”: An esoteric exhibit saved by the artist

Sunday, October 14th, 2007

LOWE EAST SIDE- Saddie Bening showcased her side work as a musician in her art exhibit titled “Form of a Waterfall.” Bening was known for her works with “play/pause” audio works which were audio snippets from various musical genres put together to create wild fluctuations in tone. The focus of the exhibit were her colored pencil on Davey Board drawings consisting of simple solid colored shapes that were almost touching. These drawings were accompanied by music the artist created which were playing from a vinyl record. In addition, the exhibit featured a sketchy black and white video of a hand sketching lines with a pencil. My initial impression was that this exhibit was pointless. Thankfully, the exhibit was salvaged–the artist was on the premises to explain the works. According to the artist, she chose simple materials in order to invoke a vintage and more childlike feeling to the exhibit. She mentioned the drawings were meant to look like an arcade. Although I did admit that the drawings did have a video-game quality to them, I felt that her main points would have been incomprehensible if it were not for her help. To make it worse, she added that gender identity was also a theme in the exhibit which I totally did not understand. Unfortunately, Saddie Bening’s “Form of a Waterfall” was only an engaging experience with the artist and not the art itself.

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This month in 365 Days/365 Plays

Saturday, October 13th, 2007

365 Days, 365 Plays
All performances are free, see individual theaters for reservation info.
See end of post for information on the play cycle.

Two upcoming arts festivals

Saturday, October 13th, 2007
Performa 2007
Visual art performance, October 27-November 20
fashion district arts festival

click on each event for more information

Your THOUGHTFUL comments on reviews

Wednesday, October 10th, 2007

Be sure you read and make thoughtful comments on each other’s latest reviews. Because of the pictures we posted the reviews are not at the top anymore but if you click this link you’ll get to all of the recent writing assignments. Read them and leave comments.

Thumbnail riddle solved

Wednesday, October 10th, 2007

OK if your image is too large then when you go to upload it you won’t get the “thumbnail” option. So those of you with the 8 and 10 megapixel cameras, the images you are taking are too large to post on the blog. You need to size your images to a smaller size – 1600 pixels in the longest dimension is plenty.

no parking

Wednesday, October 10th, 2007


Wait for Walk Signal

Wednesday, October 10th, 2007


No Standing

Wednesday, October 10th, 2007

No Standing

New York 23rd Street

Wednesday, October 10th, 2007
