blurb #3
When I came across the trailers for “American Gangster” while watching TV, I figured that it would be just another pointless action movie with no substantial plot. However after being persuaded to see it by Dan and Joanna, I was pleasantly surprised. I found this movie to be a work of art in that it depicted the intense, criminal culture of 1970′s Harlem. The film mainly tells the story of Frank Lucas, a self- made millionaire whose cocaine business reached the peak of its success in the 1970′s and also saw its downfall soon after. However, unlike most action/mobster films with repetitive fist fights and annoying gun shots, this film was perfectly planned and choreographed from beginning to end. It immerses the audience into the world of the drug trafficking, and it was extremely realistic because the majority took place in New York City. I was also very impressed by Denzel Washington’s portrayal of Lucas. At the end of the movie, I forgot who Denzel Washington was and was only able to think of him as a ruthless drug gangster. There was some intense visual imagery in the film which I felt was very effective in allowing the audience to see through the eyes of the people experiencing this crazy lifestyle. I definitely recommend this film to anyone who has not seen it yet.
November 14th, 2007 at 8:21 pm
I loved this movie so much! I agree, Denzel Washinton’s performance was outstanding – he truly captured the audience with his truthful way of inhbaiting the character of Frank Lucas. I like that you provided a very succinct, short summary of the movie; the complexity of the movie would make it very difficult to only write a short paragraph about it but reading through yours I get a clear idea and vision of what the art in this movie really is even if I hadn’t see it. And true – everyone should go see this movie, it’s epic!
November 25th, 2007 at 7:08 am
well as an avid drug/violence/mob movie watcher, i was really disappointed by this movie. Its development took tooo long and the ending seemed too short. Its a hollywood blockbuster which cost $93 mill to produce and release, but right now its barely managed to gross $100 mill.. Last time I checked the point of a blockbuster is to make money. Didnt we say in class that art has a purpose, well a movies purpose is to produce money. So thats my take on everything non-artsy on this movie. But i thought Training Day was ten times better, b/c it revealed the true LA and the corruption of the police core and also revealed the power structure of “ghetto neighborhoods” and essentially revealed the other half of LA. So theres my novel for you
November 26th, 2007 at 10:50 pm
everyone ignore syed’s negative comments
the movie was awesome!
December 12th, 2007 at 7:30 pm
the movie is very informative. I enjoyed learning the legend of Frank Lucas. I think he is a very clever business person. He took advantage the situation and made a fortune. business majored students should learn him. I am not saying students should sell illegal drugs to make big bucks. Plz don’t do anything immoral and unethical. The only thing I admire Frank is his analytical skills and the way he does business=ruthless.
anna, i don’t consider this movie as a piece of art. but I agree it is an awesome movie.