Archive for December, 2007
Ancient Moderns
Wednesday, December 19th, 2007Draw closer the controller, its “x” to start
Sit down, it’s the conclusion of your part
So wes about to step into the ring
Put up all defenses cause here comes the sting
You put out those weak rhymes for all to see
But listen up, cause you aint got nothing on me g
Been spittin rhymes since I was about yay high
And ima continue till the day I die
You think you can see, but you’re blind to it all
Step out of your comfort zone and you’re bound to fall
Ima bout to educate you in some verse
Think those clothes, that hair makes it better,
na that jus makes it worse
Givin in to a society, artificial and untrue
Never think bout the reason for what you do
Is that any way to live a life?
Everyday cuttin deeper with that infected knife
Government got you blinded to the strife
Everyday overseas, violence takin somebody’s child, somebody’s wife
But hol up cause I’m not tryin to offend
It’s not a message of hate but of hope I send
Friends, Romans, countrymen lend me your ears
So that I may rid you of those infernal fears
Everyday we feel like a cog in the gears
Unite as a generation as we dry the tears
I think its about time that you resigned
The psychophilosopher takin you on a journey of the mind
Must rid myself of the visions of the gore
Ima about to take flight, about to soar
Allow me to show you to the door
Quote the Raven, NEVER MORE
(Yes, you are on Ravendra’s part of the blog, and yes it is kind of a rap, feel free to comment!!! lol)
None of The Above
Tuesday, December 18th, 2007Being a college freshman, one would think I would like nothing better than to forget about the dreaded SAT’s. This charming story resulting in the pairing of a young girl and her SAT tutor, is a far cry from ridiculous films, such as The Perfect Score, that have used the test as a theme. It fuses the elements of comedy, drama, and teenage angst into a perfect storm, resulting in a play that will appeal to a wide range of viewers (especially the large teenage audience). The concept is modern, and Broadway has been crying out for one of its kind. You become swept into the seemingly futile situation of the tutor, Clark. Contracted to get Jamie a perfect score on the SATs so that her father, whom he is indebted to, will cancel his debt and pay his graduate school costs, you truly sympathize with the character. The happy ending seems all but impossible when Jamie receives a 2390 on the exam. Clark seems as if he will remain in debt and Jamie will have to live without the man she has grown to love. You experience relief, along with the rest of the audience, as Jamie finds the loophole in the contract that gives life back to Clark. The contract having been written when the old SAT was instated abided by those standards. That being said, under those policies, a 2390 was considered a perfect score. Perfection, we see, is not a matter of a number, or other objective criteria. It is what we interpret, what we see. Any situation can be deemed “perfect,” if we are willing to let it be.
Tuesday, December 18th, 2007is it ok if i am making a song on garageband for my piece?
Podcasts Again
Tuesday, December 18th, 2007Please be sure to send Zoe a copy of your podcasts too!
Wednesday final meeting
Tuesday, December 18th, 2007We will be meeting on Wednesday from 3:30 to 5:30pm in our regular classroom. Bring your creative sound work to class. You can bring your computer and connect it to the projector, and it’s always good to have a backup, too – perhaps a copy of your podcast on a usb drive ‘just in case’.When creating your podcasts pay attention to Lynn’s helpful suggestions for improving their audio and visual qualities (see previous posts, below). Send your podcast to Lynn on Wednesday so she can post them to the blog. See you soon!
Creature Comforts on art (from youTube)
Sunday, December 16th, 2007Podcast Files
Sunday, December 16th, 2007Also, please label your files with your first initial, last name (ie: mine would be, lhorridge.m4a).
Next Podcast Assignment
Sunday, December 16th, 2007Dear All,
Great job on the first podcast assignments! The quality of your reviews was superb across the board! Here are some tips and instructions for your next assignment due on Wednesday:
1. Identify your topic at the beginning of the podcast both verbally and through images.
2. Edit your narrative. If you make a mistake reading your script, it is easy to go back and edit the vocal track.
3. Manipulate your audio levels. Make sure that your music and narrative are balanced so that your audience can hear your script. Record your script in a quiet environment and speak directly into the mic to avoid echo.
4. Avoid fuzzy images. Try to use your own digital images when possible. When using a jpg, check to see if it is blurry before using it.
5. Make sure images fit in podcast frame.
6. Consider issues of value. For example, is this photo appropriate/valuable to the content of the podcast? Does this comment actually add to the podcast or take away from it?
Some of the most effective podcasts were the ones where the images and music were directly related to the narrative and helped the viewer understand the podcaster’s perspective more.
Because we cannot replace the Podcast Press logo with individual images, you only need to send your .m4a file to me at, and I will upload them as soon as they are all in.
Again, great job! Please email me at the above address if you have any questions.
Wintry Wonderland
Friday, December 14th, 2007In the cemetery that is Madison Square Park, one will find an abundance of naked trees scattered between black fencing. Faded and rusty bars imprison these tall unfortunate creatures who stand there frozen and stunned. A harsh wind blows and their scrawny branches quiver, their rattling slightly smothered by the howling gust. Little movement can be found for happy birds and friendly squirrels are hiding from the frosty cold that has immersed itself over everything. However, in the midst of this wintry grave, strong silver beings stand unrelentingly against biting winds. They glow like fire against the night lamps and warm eyes watering from the stinging chill.